Sunday, March 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Haiku

A century gone by

how still my breath remains

just for a moment.

 This is one way that I would describe the elusive process of making art. Sometimes I hold my breath, sometimes it feels like just a few minutes have gone by but it will be hours.

Now that I read it again, there also seems to be a reference to my grandmother who would have turned 104 today.  She passed away 4 months ago after several challenging months.  She was an inspiration to everyone she met, and still is to me.  I miss her.

I recently took my first encaustic class and made the image below.  Even though I didn't quite finish it, and it was an experimental learning process, I really enjoyed the process of working with hot wax as well as the old photo of my grandmother, a letter, and her driver's license from 1924.

Today's daily prompt:
When you are in the process of creating your work, how do you feel? What is your experience (mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally)? Write a Haiku to capture and express this often elusive process.


Unknown said...

such a wonderful haiku! hmm, maybe i should have started mine before the day's festivities. even though i think it looks lovely in person i think your encaustic work comes across quite well online!

Sagegale said...

Beautiful! How wonderful you have such a connection to your grandmother and so lucky to have had her with you for so long. Pieces of the past can have such strong meaning to us.

Unknown said...

What a haiku! I love how close you are to your family and I enjoy seeing the pieces you create. Did you enjoy working with wax?

eNVie said...

love this. the artwork and the haiku.