Monday, March 10, 2014

Risky (Art) Business

I continue to explore my creative endeavors, goals, direction and today's C4 Blogathon Day 10 prompt is about taking appropriate creative risks - what are some that I might take in my creative practice?  What risks can I take in my business?  And are there risks I’ve taken that have led to positive change?

While some might say I'm a fairly risky person (I've jumped off high bridges and moved to a couple of different countries where I didn't know anyone/many people) but I still consider myself to be a pretty big chicken.  I did get over a lot of fears over the past few years by taking some chances in a supportive group of creatives and that helped a lot.  Risks like actually allowing myself to create what I wanted, allowing myself to both struggle with it and enjoy the process as well - and this certainly did lead to positive changes.  I had to put myself 'out there' but since others were in the same boat, it wasn't as bad as it would have been had I tried it totally on my own.  The value of a supportive network is really important.

These risks led to exhibiting my artwork, and selling some too, which was a wonderful feeling and very encouraging.  Of course, it wasn't only about that - the risk of exposing yourself through your artwork and opening up opportunities to connect with people was very rewarding.  Also, hearing responses from others (both friends and strangers) about your artwork is exciting because you receive a different perspective on something that you think you know so well.  I'd say these are some of my greatest successes that came out of taking these risks.

I was pretty freaked out calm, as you can see below, the first time I put my work 'out there' I mean, it's really no big deal that total strangers are scrutinizing a sliver of your soul hanging on a wall.  No one bought anything (I wonder why?!) but what a day!

Photo taken by Lia Edwards, she calls this "Crazy Kim"

'Munich Creative Group's' first group "Pop-Up" exhibit at Emmy's. 
Photo by Lia Edwards

Now it's time to continue taking risks, get back to 'the drawing board' (I've reverted into some chicken tendencies again in regards to actually creating art), and basically show up on a regular basis to get creatin.  In order to 'leap into that new creative or entrepreneurial space' I need to:  get my studio in order, set a schedule to put something down on paper or canvas and not be afraid of the outcome, and... oh i know, a couple of important deadlines will probably also be in order!  But I'm looking foward to it because maybe I've learned that I can survive these risks afterall.

Today's daily prompt:
What are some appropriate risks for you? Today, think about what are creative risks you might take in your creative practice. What risks can you take in your business? Are there risks you’ve taken that have led to positive change? Any that have not panned out they way you thought? What are some of your greatest successes that have arisen out of risks you’ve taken? If you are very risk averse, what is holding you back from making that leap? What support system(s) would you need to have in place in order to leap into that new creative or entrepreneurial space?


Sandra Hughes said...

I enjoyed reading about your art journey and the pictures are great!

Unknown said...

I think your humour is the best asset for creating art. I hope you continue to create bigger pieces. Lia has asked to buy the pink piece from me... so you have a fan base here in Munich waiting for you to create more art!

Kim said...

Thanks so much Sandra and Emmy. I do want to create bigger pieces- almost set up now downstairs w some open floor space. Emmy, do you mean that last one that I did before I left (didn't realize it was pink!). Thnx for your support!