Thursday, November 6, 2008

Creative Every Other Day..or two..

While I haven't really been slacking off, I've got some stuff to show from the last couple days.. I have been a bit, surprisingly, overcome you say..pride?!?.. and Hope after the elections. More so than I thought, and I don't recall feeling like this for a long long time. I'm really proud that 'my people' came through and made the right decision. A historic decision that I can only imagine what it was like to be there for Obama's acceptance speech. So, keeping this in mind, please bear with me and forgive me for the following cheese..and I'm not talking mozzarella! For the first time in at least 10 years, I got out my acrylics- and stared at them for a while - noticed how old some of them are (but still squirt paint out!), and with my cheesy but proud self, jumped right to the blue and red colors and reluctantly put it to (scraps of) paper. Not ready to 'waste' a new sheet on experimental stage..

Hold on to your cheesy little hearts... (sorry, I couldnt help it!)

I was also somewhat frustrated with what I've been making (and still am) but am trying to remember that its just play time, and the process is what's important - not the product.

Now for my catchup days.. the weather in Munich was soooo gorgeous yesterday (good excuse not to go to the gym) that I had to grab my camera and go for a little walk and enjoy perhaps the last sunny Fall day. And it was Fun with the Föhn! Föhn is the weather phenomenon that I am grateful for. It brings warm air from the Alps and sweeps through town. People blame anything and everything on it, but mostly headaches due to the air pressure change. All I can say is it makes for a great day! This is in the English Garden a couple blocks from our apartment. Hard to believe that the city and traffic surrounds it all.

Since I've apparently decided to let it all out now, here's the drawing that began my frustration 2 days ago causing me to put the 'other' in 'Creative Every Day' - wait, it won't let me upload the photo/drawing. Its just a few lions from a photo I took in Africa (I'd eventually like to do something with some of these animal shots). I'll try to post separately, along with the real photo - we were so close to these lions! And they were so cute!

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