Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Must..Focus...on Goals!

Greetings!  Today's daily prompt for the March Blogathon3 Lists of Future Goals 

This is timely because just the other day I listened to an interesting talk on MindValley, speaker Vishen Lakhiani, that some of you might also find helpful and inspiring.  Cheezy title:  Theory of Awesomeness:  Why Some People Lead Epic Lives while Others Only Dream but I found myself very engaged in the entire video!  One of my key take-aways as it pertains to the task at hand, was a holistic approach to goal-setting, eg, 12 categories to always consider when setting goals so you stay balanced throughout your life (health & fitness, intellectual, emotional, character, spiritual, relationships, social life, etc.. and finally to your life vision, "that grand thing you want to contribute to the world.")  This is the basis for Jon Butcher's goal-setting company, Lifebook (also the same guy who runs the company Precious Moments), who I have no affiliation with, nor care to.

As you can see, I'm pretty good at not setting goals and researching the living daylights out of the whole notion of goal-setting, when I do actually consider setting some.  But I'll try and focus..

My cat helps me focus.  Tremendously.

Why Some People Lead Epic Lives, while Others only Dream - See more at: http://mindvalleyacademy.com/featured/theory-of-awesomeness#sthash.pELkfTWT.dpuf
Why Some People Lead Epic Lives, while Others only Dream - See more at: http://mindvalleyacademy.com/featured/theory-of-awesomeness#sthash.pELkfTWT.dpuf
5 GOALS I'd like to achieve in the NEXT 30/20/10 YEARS:
  1. err...Survive (& thrive:)! Not just 'be here', but still be enjoying myself and thriving as a curious, productive individual and still exploring the world.
  2. Connect artists I admire with international visitors to the area I am in (could be Atlanta, could be..Munich, wherever I am, I'd like to expand my world to an international audience, in a way that sustains, supports and genuinely cares about the community I am in (and vice versa) - a kind of cultural exchange that simultaneously helps the very unfortunate to live a better a life.
  3. Be able to speak at least 2 other languages fluently and freely.
  4. Somehow be involved in a type of health center, combining physical, mental, nutritional practices to help diseased individuals by teaching them holistic practices to improve their lives, manage their health/disease and alleviate suffering.
  5. Be a skilled, (renown?!) artist of sorts...yaaaa.

FIVE GOALS I need to accomplish in the NEXT FIVE YEARS to move towards achieving them:
  1. Be true to myself, trust myself, take care of myself (by maintaining a regular yoga and meditation practice, taking courses, workshops, gaining knowledge).
  2. Learn more about the art world and artists, by traveling, visiting galleries, museums, etc. and documenting this.
  3. Converse more with people in my target languages (German, French), read books in these languages, study.
  4. Carry on with #1:  continue yoga teacher trainings (complete 500-hour certification + other specific workshops- preferably internationally:)  Learn more about nutrition and how it directly affects one's health (or contributes towards a diseased state).
  5. Practice, learn, practice, learn, practice, learn. yay! Generate income meanwhile! Take more courses like this
FIVE GOALS to be accomplished in the NEXT 12 MONTHS:
  1. Heal current injuries and safely practice yoga/exercise 4-6x per week (even if short yoga practices), take walks 2-3x week.  So:  schedule chiropractor appointment(s), massage,
  2. Attend local art openings, meet the artists,   So:  attend 1-2x per month art opening at a gallery (at least), read art world publications (research this- feel free to comment w suggestions!), become member of a local art museum (either High, or MOCA), maintain notebook/notes.
  3. Write letters/emails in target language weekly, continue with translation work, attend Goethe/other local cultural events.
  4. Attend 3-5 yoga workshops, study Patanjali sutras and books, including anatomy.  Cook healthy recipes!
  5. Start an art journal- at least 4x/week.  Organize an art show (like this), take 4 art classes/workshops this year, complete a website + social media outlets, online workshops.
 Wow, that really got me thinking- ouch!  I might have to revisit this one..


Ruth Schowalter said...

Kim! I had fun reading your response to this prompt...I guess the photograph of you (?) on the couch with a cat on top was what pulled me in and had me laughing. Great spirit!

Unknown said...

incredible goals! very well thought through and articulated in a fun and enjoyable way (as always!). i look forward to following your progress and who knows, maybe help along the way!

Kim said...

Thanks Hallelujah Truth & Gina! Yes, that's me on the couch, 'focusing':) Also, a symbol of how exhausted all this goal-setting makes me, but I think it is really good to practice this, especially if it doesn't come easy!

Julie said...

You can write emails to me in French and I will reply in Japanese. Meow!